Initial Consultation & Treatment
Your initial session is designed to provide a thorough understanding of your health and unique needs. We'll begin with an in-depth consultation to review your medical history and discuss your health concerns and symptoms.
The session includes an assessment, featuring pulse and tongue diagnosis, to gain deeper insights into your overall well-being.
Following this, you will receive your first personalised treatment, along with a tailored treatment plan suited specifically for your needs. This session lays the foundation for your journey to better health and balance.
Price: £65
Duration: 1.5 hours
Follow Up Treatments
Each follow-up session is focused on advancing your progress and supporting your health goals. We’ll begin with a brief review to discuss any changes, progress, or new concerns.
Treatment will then be tailored to your personalised plan, ensuring your sessions are always aligned with your needs. These sessions are designed to deepen your healing, promote balance, and support your ongoing well-being.